Belgium is a `financial` capital of europe with rich international presence. The country is investor friendly and most favorable for businesses in terms of taxation. Belgium does not offer `citizenship by investment` program like other countries, but `residence by investment` available for investors and business entrepreneurs.
There are many advantages of Belgium for Immigrant investors.
- Strong European Presence.
- No limitations on minimum stay a year.
- Apply for citizenship with just 3 yrs of residence in Belgium.
- No restrictions on dual citizenship.
- Visa free travel to other EU countries.
Belgium is the only country in Europe where after you are eligible to apply for citizenship after just 3 years legal continious residence. You will qualify for `citizenship` by right in Belgium after 7 years of residence. This program is ideal for investors, business entrepreneurs seeking residence in European Union (EU).
Belgium Immigrant Investor Program
We offer a `Residence program in Belgium` package for foreigners and non-EU citizens to get residence permit in Belgium. Foreigners and non-EU persons can apply for residence permit under investor or business category, which usually involves in either forming a new belgium company with a office and provide employment. As an owner of the company, you can easily qualify for the belgian residence permit. It usually takes 3-8 months to get the residence permit issued to investors who form their company. Initially you will be a temporary permit with 1 year validity and thereafter you will need to renew the residence permit annually for 3 yrs and after which you will qualify for `permanent residence permit.`
The BVBA and SPRL are the most popular company types in Belgium. The Belgian BVBA company works just like Limited Liability Company, and theshare capital must be at least EUR 18,600. Taxes is actually around 30% and annual returns are filed every 12 months in accordance with Belgian regulations. With proper tax planning you can substantially minimize the tax liability.
We expect our clients to have a minimum of EUR 350,000 for 5 years. The first will cost 200,000 euros and after that around 100,000 euros from second year onwards. We at present assist wealthy clients and high net worth business investors. The costs for 1st year come around EUR 200,000 and the total costs for 5 years is around 350,000 euros. Belgium passport after 5 years. No minimum stay requirements.
The fee and costs given below:
Fee and Charges
Fees for a Belgian residence application will vary from case by case. For a residence application the following minimum fees (exclusive of VAT, which may apply depending on the client’s situation) are charged (for one/main applicant): Company Incorporation Costs
The above fee includes all of the following services: • Advice and assistance during the initial residence application |
We take care of all corporate services for the Belgian company including the appointment of a company director, all issues related to taxes, citizenship, application process including providing assistance housing accomodation to our clients
We offer full assistance and personalized consultation with applying for residence permits , international tax planning, real estate and accomodation, specifically those non-EU persons and foreign nationals, who wish to move to Belgium.